

mayo 1, 2024

Why You Should Work With an Independent Insurance Agency

Sometimes, you might see advertisements for cheap auto insurance that offers fast, easy enrollment online without the hassle of talking to a pushy salesperson. This might sound like it’s a simple, practical way to get the auto insurance you need as efficiently as possible. However, is it really a wise step to take? Should you […]
septiembre 25, 2019

How to Buy Auto Insurance for Your Teen

Car insurance is a pricey aspect of owning a car. If you’re planning on adding a teen driver to your family car insurance plan, it is possible that your rates will increase. However, if you play your cards right, you can get auto insurance for your teen at a reasonable price. Here are a few […]
agosto 22, 2019

Will Home Insurance Cover Your Broken Steps and Railing?

Home insurance provides coverage for most components of your home. This includes any attached features, such as your porch, patio, or a set of stairs outside your home. In some cases, these structures can suffer damage. Depending on the cause of the damage, your insurance company may pay for the losses. It’s important to keep these […]
julio 8, 2019

Who Needs High Risk Auto Insurance?

Most drivers need auto insurance that matches their vehicle’s value. However, some drivers need to consider the risk they present to determine what coverage they need. If you had an accident in the past, you may need different coverage because you are a high-risk driver. This does not apply to all drivers with accidents, but might if […]
junio 22, 2019

When Will a Speeding Ticket Come Off of Your Driving Record?

A speeding ticket can be the last thing you want to deal with after a long day at work or school. Yet, when a police officer pulls your car over, you know this is going to be a costly problem. Not only do these tickets require you to pay a fee, but also they can […]
mayo 29, 2019

How Does Local Crime Impact Home Insurance Rates

Local crime can be a big factor in the amount of home insurance you need to protect yourself. Most people only think about things like fire risks and storm threats. Yet, crime plays a role in the frequency of home insurance claims. Because it can occur frequently in some areas, that can raise your costs. […]
abril 22, 2019

Car Insurance For The Newly Retired

The feeling of retirement is like no other. Now that you don’t have to commute to work, it may be time to consider adjusting your auto insurance. Your policy should reflect the way you drive on a daily basis. During retirement, that may mean different habits to take into consideration. Here’s what to think about […]
marzo 25, 2019

Will Home Insurance Cover Damage from a Car Crashing Into a Home?

It sounds like a strange scenario. Yet, it happens more often than you may think. A driver does not pay attention. He or she steps on the gas and, in a matter of seconds, the car advances full steam ahead until it crashes into your home. The damage may be significant. In all cases, the […]
febrero 26, 2019

Home Insurance Coverage For Dog Damage

A pet is like a member of the family, but one with the ability to do destructive damage. In some situations, this damage becomes costly. Home insurance may help cover some of your losses. However, these policies typically do not extend to most common situations. Here are a few examples of when you may wish […]
enero 10, 2019

What You Didn’t Know You Needed To Know About SR-22 Insurance

Simply put, an SR-22 is a certification proving that your insurance policy meets the state’s minimum car insurance requirements. No judgement, but if you need an SR-22 form, you’ve got a lot on your hands. We know you can use a clear explanation of the steps you need to take to get yourself back on […]

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